If you want curbside recycling to become a reality, now’s the time to take action!
Kaua‘i is at a critical juncture. The Kekaha Landfill will be full before a new one is ready. Curbside Recycling will extend the life of our landfill, among other benefits.
Instead of prioritizing real waste reduction solutions, the Kawakami Administration is considering Waste-to-Energy (WTE) or incineration—polluting, expensive, and unsustainable–an approach that creates toxic ash and undermines recycling and composting efforts.
Next Wednesday, February 19, beginning around 8:30 a.m., the County’s Solid Waste Division will update the Council’s Public Works and Veterans Services Committee on the Administration’s efforts to divert wastes from the rapidly filling Kekaha Landfill.
“If you want curbside recycling to become a reality, now’s the time to take action!”
✅ Sign the Online Curbside Recycling Petition . . . Get your friends signed up too. We need to show our elected leaders how strongly the community wants curbside recycling.
👉 https://bit.ly/curbsiderecycling
✅ Sign the Online Curbside Recycling Petition . . . Get your friends signed up too. We need to show our elected leaders how strongly the community wants curbside recycling.
👉 https://bit.ly/curbsiderecycling
✅ Sign the Online Curbside Recycling Petition . . . Get your friends signed up too. We need to show our elected leaders how strongly the community wants curbside recycling.
👉 https://bit.ly/curbsiderecycling
✅ Testify remotely – Register by noon on Feb. 18, the day before, by emailing remote.signup@kauai.gov. Say you want to testify in the Public Works Committee on the Solid Waste Divisionʻs update of its diversion efforts. The agenda item is PWVS 2025-02. Once you register, information as to how to testify will be sent to you.
✅ Testify remotely – Register by noon on Feb. 18, the day before, by emailing remote.signup@kauai.gov. Say you want to testify in the Public Works Committee on the Solid Waste Divisionʻs update of its diversion efforts. The agenda item is PWVS 2025-02. Once you register, information as to how to testify will be sent to you.
***See tips on how to write testimony –>>***
✅ Spread the word – Encourage friends, family, and fellow supporters to sign the petition and/or submit testimony!
Your voice matters. Let’s flood the Council with testimony and show that Kauaʻi residents want sustainable solutions!
Watch the meeting live at: www.kauai.gov/Government/Council/Webcast-Meetings
Please excuse any duplicate messages.
Mahalo nui loa for your support!
‘A‘ohe hana nui ke alu ‘ia – “No task is too great when undertaken together.”