Report Title: Department of Health; Counties; Extended Producer Responsibility; Waste Reduction; Packaging; Fast-Moving Consumer Goods; Special Fund; Appropriations Description: Establishes an Extended Producer Responsibility Program. […]
Report Title: Department of Health; Counties; Extended Producer Responsibility; Waste Reduction; Packaging; Fast-Moving Consumer Goods; Special Fund; Appropriations Description: Establishes an Extended Producer Responsibility Program. […]
Report Title: Renewable Portfolio Standards; Renewable Energy; Definition; Biomass Description: Removes biomass from the renewable portfolio standard definition of renewable energy.
Report Title: Solid Waste Reduction; Organic Waste Diversion; Benchmarks; Appropriation Description: Establishes statewide goals for solid waste reduction and organic waste diversion. Requires each county
Report Title: Sustainability; Integrated Solid Waste Management; Organic Waste Diversion; Appropriation Description: Updates the State’s integrated solid waste management goals and priorities to include organic
Report Title: Organic Waste; Composting; Department of Health; Exemption Description: Exempts artisan-scale composting operations from department of Health regulations to divert organic materials from Hawaii’s
Report Title: DOE; Composting Grant Program; Appropriation Description: Establishes and provides moneys for the composting grant program in the Department of Education.
SB635 proposes a constitutional amendment to ensure that the inherent and inalienable right of the people, including future generations, to clean water and air, a healthful environment and climate, healthy native ecosystems, and beaches, shall be protected and shall not be infringed.
SB635 The Green Amendment Learn More »
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Testimony on the Kauaʻi Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan Update Draft 4By JoAnn A. Yukimura, on behalf of Zero Waste KauaʻiJune 17, 2021 Dear Chair
Past Testimony on the Kauaʻi ISWMP Learn More »