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ZWK Membership

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Status of the MRF

The County has completed a conceptual design for a MRF, a budget…

Movie Night

ZWK partnered with Kauai Community College to put on a number of…

Projects and Programs

Zero Waste Resource GuideTo educate local decision makers of the potential Zero…

John Harder

John is a Berkeley dropout who came to Kaua‘i in 1969 and…

John Harder

What is Zero Waste?

Zero Waste is more than an approach to waste management and recycling,…

JoAnn Yukimura

JoAnn Yukimura was mayor of Kauaʻi County from 1988-1994 and served on…

Joann Yukimura

Zero Waste

Efforts to reduce solid waste generation waste to nothing, or as close…

HI 5 Expansion Act

HI 5 Expansion Act: Inclusion of Aluminum Can-Packaged Wine in Mandatory Recycling…

Background MRF

The County of Kauaʻi”s number 1 goal in the General Plan is…

Our Story

Zero Waste Kauai (ZWK) was founded in 2006 by Pat Gegen and John Harder (aka the Dump Doctor) in response to a proposal in the County’s Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan update (ISWM Plan) to include Waste to Energy (incineration) as an option in the County’s waste management strategy.

Our Intent

Our original intent was primarily education: to expand the public’s awareness of the potential of Zero Waste Management to more effectively manage our discards, rather than employ incineration as a primary strategy… and it worked!

Our Success

As of 2020, the island of Kauai successfully diverts approximately 43% of landfill-bound waste, primarily through HI-5 Recycling programs and Green Waste Management sites, as well as food waste diversion practices such as composting and large-scale events management in partnership with ZWK. 

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