Report Title: Asphalt Recycling; DOH; DOT; Environmental Protection Description: Requires that asphalt removed from roads and driveways be recycled. Requires the Department of Transportation to adopt […]
Report Title: Asphalt Recycling; DOH; DOT; Environmental Protection Description: Requires that asphalt removed from roads and driveways be recycled. Requires the Department of Transportation to adopt […]
Report Title: Department of Health; Counties; Extended Producer Responsibility; Waste Reduction; Packaging; Fast-Moving Consumer Goods; Special Fund; Appropriations Description: Establishes an Extended Producer Responsibility Program.
Report Title: Renewable Portfolio Standards; Renewable Energy; Definition; Biomass Description: Removes biomass from the renewable portfolio standard definition of renewable energy. https://legiscan.com/HI/text/SB424/id/2654060/Hawaii-2023-SB424-Introduced.html
Report Title: Solid Waste Reduction; Organic Waste Diversion; Benchmarks; Appropriation Description: Establishes statewide goals for solid waste reduction and organic waste diversion. Requires each county
Report Title: Sustainability; Integrated Solid Waste Management; Organic Waste Diversion; Appropriation Description: Updates the State’s integrated solid waste management goals and priorities to include organic
Report Title: Organic Waste; Composting; Department of Health; Exemption Description: Exempts artisan-scale composting operations from department of Health regulations to divert organic materials from Hawaii’s
Report Title: DOE; Composting Grant Program; Appropriation Description: Establishes and provides moneys for the composting grant program in the Department of Education. https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/sessions/session2023/bills/SB1093_.HTM
Biogas is created when animal waste or manure, decomposes. Capturing biogas from cattle, hog and poultry farms can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Recovering the methane