Bring Curbside Recycling to Kauaʻi: Protect Our Island, Reduce Waste Now!

Kauaʻi is facing a solid waste crisis—our landfill is filling up faster than the County can build a new one. Every day, an average of 250 tons of waste end up in Kekaha Landfill, and without effective action, we risk a waste disaster.

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If you want curbside recycling to become a reality, now’s the time to take action!
Kaua‘i is at a critical juncture. The Kekaha Landfill will be full before a new one is ready.Curbside Recycling will extend the life of our landfill, among other benefits.

Kauaʻi is facing a solid waste crisis—our landfill is filling up faster than the County can build a new one. Every day, an average of 250 tons of waste end up in Kekaha Landfill, and without effective action, we risk a waste disaster.

Landfilling and waste-to-energy are not sustainable solutions. Instead, Kauaʻi must prioritize curbside recycling and embrace the 5R strategies: ReduceReuseRepairRecycle, and Rot (Compost) to reduce the waste going to the landfill by up to 70%.

Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) and curbside recycling program will:
✅ Make recycling easy and user-friendly
✅ Extend the life of the landfill 
✅ Help reduce environmental harm and create a more circular economy
✅ Lay the foundation for possible compost and food waste pick-up in the future

A shift in the County’s waste subsidy could help to cover some recycling costs. If the County provides a smaller waste bin option with a lower user fee, households will be able to lower their trash costs by recycling

The time to act is NOW. If we had done this 20 years ago, we wouldn’t be in this crisis today.

If you haven’t already signed the curbside recycling petition which has been circulating on Kauaʻi person-to-person, you can now sign online.

Join us in urging the County to make curbside recycling a top priority— please sign the petition!

ZWK priorities for ISWMP

Identify the following four main priorities for next 10 years as the means for achieving an 80% diversion: The establishment of Curbside Recycling AND building…

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Background MRF

The County of Kauaʻi”s number 1 goal in the General Plan is to become a sustainable island.Curbside recycling is a core component of a sustainable…

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Status of the MRF

The County has completed a conceptual design for a MRF, a budget and an Environmental Assessment that has received a Finding of No Significant Impact…

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