Status of the MRF

The County has completed a conceptual design for a MRF, a budget and an Environmental Assessment that has received a Finding of No Significant Impact (known as a FONSI)
The next step is developing a Construction Design for the MRF, estimated to cost $450,000. This money must be in the County CIP budget for the MRF project to move forward.
Once the Construction Design is done, the next step will be construction of the MRF, which will cost about $12 million. (By comparison, a new landfill will cost $80-100 million!) The County can raise the $12 million by floating a bond or applying for federal infrastructure monies should such monies become available.
Bill 2819, which encompasses the Mayorʻs Capital Improvement Programs (CIP) budget is presently before the Councilʻs Committee of the Whole for approval on May 26, 2021. In that Bill, monies for a MRF are currently zeroed out. The County Council can amend Bill 2819 by adding $450,000 to the MRF line item. This is what we are asking Councilmembers to do.

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